Blogging seems like a good idea in lieu of writing for class, which is what I should be doing right now. Who cares about customer flows any way?
Ski to Sea this weekend with the Better Lovers book club was amazing as usual. Downhill leg, which should actually be renamed "uphill hike" was fun, except for one rugged fall I took on the way down. The important part is, that even though I got a little terrified that I may die up there, and the wind was knocked out of me, I kept going! Hurrah! Everything was almost perfect.
Once my leg was over, I met up with our fearless kayaker to bring her the food she requested to be race-ready
: cheese. I should've brought her a hot cocoa though so that she could have fended off the hypothermia she suffered while trying to reach shore a few hours later.
Racing is scary, but also fun and after ski to sea and the 8k I ran a few weeks ago, I think I am ready to sign up for a few more to help keep me in shape this summer. One week from tomorrow, the first year of my program will be done! I am excited, but I'll also miss my classmates during the summer. We've sort of become like one big, whining Italian family. I think I got pretty lucky to have such smart and wonderful people around me every day. They've opened my world to a myriad of new things: famous Russell Crowe lines, how to win at "Who Wants to be a Millionaire", studying via osmosis, The Economist, and a lot of TMI.
If I could stay in school forever, I just might...