Monday, March 31, 2008


This is the worst day ever, and who knows how long that feeling will last. When I feel upset, I have a hard time functioning. These last few days have been especially hard - I have no appetite, I can't sleep, my stomach is in knots. I feel the weight of this decision bearing down on me with no clear answer in sight. My head and my heart are telling me two very different things, and I'm trying to balance between protecting myself from further hurt and still being able to forgive. I feel as confused as I've ever been. How can someone say they love you and then be envisioning another relationship? How can that be real love? When something happens that changes everything you thought you knew, that challenges the security you felt, how do you move past it?

I don't know any of the answers to these questions, and I won't write anything else about this. I know that without the support of some very good friends I would be in a much worse place right now. The person I most want consoling from is the one person I can't face, and it has been so important to have friends who will just listen. So thanks to those of you who have been there.

"I start to forget how my heart gets torn, when that hurt gets thrown, feeling like you can't go on." - David Gray

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Friday, March 28, 2008

Okay you talked me into it

I am going to copy Nicole and write a profile about one of my very favorite people ever, and my oldest friend.

Name: Allison Leigh

Nicknames: Toothpick, Gum Head, Al, Bud, Young Legs

Age: Newly 21

Hometown: Bellingham

Occupation: Student, Receptionist, Weirdo

Education: Going for a B.S. and then a Master's in Speech Language Pathology (yeah she's a smarty)

Likes: All things organic, yoga, CMT, shoes, singing along to her Ipod at the gym, Jodi Picoult novels, crocheting, Fergie, leg warmers, her hair, making soup, dancing, plotting to kill Nicole Kidman.

Dislikes: Any food that I really like, working more than two consecutive eight hour days, being told what to do, loaning out clothes, lifetime movie network, feathered hair pieces, losing at Monopoly.

Best Quotes: "Allison: And then I had my one hypothesi and, wait hypothesi that's right, right? Cause it's just one.
Me: Um, no. Hypothesis is already singular.
Allison: Oh, okay, so then in my hypotheSIS I said there was one octopi that...
Me: Umm, okay, now octopi is plural..."

"My hair looks so good in this picture. Can you believe how good it looks?"

"Sad... Can we get a turtle?" - Upon hearing the news that our pet hamster died

Her Favorite Quotes: "When things get too heavy, just call me helium, the lightest known gas to man."~Jimi Hendrix


Fun facts: Allison once performed the most awkward gymnastics routine that my family and pull it out and watch it on home video whenever we need a good laugh.

Allison's fire safety plan used to include parachuting out the second story window with a bed sheet.

She used to want to be a nutritionist, until she realized speech pathologists made a lot more money.

When telling people what she spent on an item of clothing, Allison will always deduct $5 from the price she actually paid.

The fastest way to win in a fight against Allison is to poke her squarely in between the shoulder blades. This also causes her to assume a very amusing stance, much like that of a stroke victim trying to dance.

And that's my sister in a nutshell. She's also a really warm, compassionate, and a complete goof-ball.


My sister and I constantly get mistaken for each other. My new brown hair has not been as much of an identity booster as I expected, people still get us confused regardless. I am pretty sure she got the good hair and nose of the family; she's the cute one.
Even so, people just can't seem to keep us straight. We have been asked many times if we are identical twins. When we job-shared a year ago, I worked MWF, she worked TR. After three months of this schedule, the technologist asked our supervisor why some days I called myself Lindsay and some days I called myself Allison. Really? We are similar looking, but definitely different. This is her in the picture.
I think she looks kind of like an Olsen twin right here, where as I would never be mistaken for an Olsen.

Actually, I am tempted to copy cat Nicole and write a profile about Allison, but I will try to come up with something else creative instead of trying to steal her thunder...

(I need to start taking artsy modeling pictures and posting them on facebook, it's all the rage right now. Maybe then people would comment repeatedly on how gorgeous I am and my boyfriend would reassure me of my 10 out of 10 potential on Hot or like he does with his female friends. It would be a change from all the "demon eyes" comments I get.)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Boredom = Online Shopping I Cannot Afford

First, someone talk me out of buying this insanely cute swimsuit. I really can't afford to be spending $100 on a swim suit, but partly out of sheer boredom I have selected it, put it in the basket and almost paid for it three times now. Not good. Maybe if I have extra money from my computer rebate I will buy it.... I love it. Or someone could try to talk me out of it.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Bubble Wrap!

Back at work. I feel very tired now that I've had a few consecutive days of blissfully sleeping in and lounging. Grouch is tired too, I can tell. I got a sheet of bubble wrap - the kind with huge bubbles - in an envelope today. For the last twenty minutes or so everyone who is within earshot of my office has probably been wondering what is causing the ear-splitting gunshot sound. The ADT security guy caught me mid-pop and I could tell he was trying to stifle a laugh. I can't help it that I'm 23 and still enjoy bubble wrap! Honestly though, is there a person out there of any age who, given the chance, would pass on playing with bubble wrap? Maybe people who work in a bubble wrap factory are sick of it, but honestly I think they probably still enjoy it as well. The thing about it though: it's only fun if you are the one popping it. If you are just a listener, chances are that you are being highly irritated by the sound.

The manager of Maidenform just stopped in to check on me because she heard a loud noise. Time to stop with the bubble wrap.

On a more grown up topic, I had my interview this afternoon with the hospital. It went well, they were glad I was already HIPAA trained and proficient in Carecast (the hospital database) but they said the hours weren't flexible, and probably wouldn't work with school. So I'm back on the job trail. I have some serious concerns that my present boss might have found the cover letter I drafted for another job. I found it on "my recent documents" but I didn't do it recently... So am now tentatively waiting for him to approach me about it. There is the possibility I guess that I actually do so little work that a document I did a week and a half ago would still pop up on my "recent documents" and that is just sad. But let's just hope for the latter since we all already know my job is less than exciting.

This weekend I did some reading down at the Black Drop (yay!) I love that coffee shop, they know me there, they know my order, they make the best coffee. It's lovely. Anyway, I looked up to see a white-bearded man in checkered suit skipping down the sidewalk like little boy. He grabbed a light pole and swung himself around and clicked his heels. By this time he had the attention of the whole coffee house. He started singing, eyes closed arms outstretched, and then skipped off. I thought to myself, "Now here is a man who enjoys life. Or is high on drugs." Then he rounded the corner again followed by a whole troop of Bellingham's signature indie scenesters (including "black drop coffee house guy" aptly named because of his frequent coffee house patronage) I guess the skipper was part of a live marketing ploy to advertise a local theater group. I loved it! I was a little sad that he wasn't just a crazy old man in love with life, but theater group junkie is a close second and is a lot better than a drugged-out old hippie.

You can tell I have a soft spot for the small joys in life: bubble wrap and skipping old men.

Friday, March 21, 2008

More than Country Naming Quizzes

I learned a few things about myself by taking these helpful quizzes today. Here are the results:



(I bet you didn't know Uisce is the Gaelic word for Whiskey or, literally, Water of Life)




who knows

I'm back at work on today, just in time for the weekend! That is the best way to go back to work, let me tell you. Plus, I have the office to myself all morning which gives me plenty of time to catch up on all the blogs I've missed over the last week, play my moves in scrabulous, and review the newly posted pictures from book club!

It has come to my attention that I always make this face at least once in every set of pictures, here's some proof over the years:

Brunette Lindsay does it
Blonde Lindsay does it
Sometimes I do it AT other people

If you are wondering what possesses me to try and replicate this signature KISS look, I will just say that it is because I look so obviously attractive with angry eyes and barred teeth.

I have an interview for a new job Monday. No guarantees I'd get it, but I am pretty excited just the same.

The boy and I danced around under the streetlight in the snow last night. It was great fun. In my life, I don't know that I could ever come across another person who is as young at heart as the boy. His reaction to the snow was pretty much like that of a kid celebrating a snow day - except much louder and his bouncing off the walls trying to find a jacket is a lot more hazardous than a 7 year old's. I really love that.

Okay. I have to watch for a fax to come in and make a bagel. So maybe when boredom strikes later you will hear from me again. Twice in one day! How lucky are you?!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Flu, WWU

I have the flu. I should have gotten a flu shot this year but I procrastinated and it is too late. I am kind of a baby about being sick. On my way home from work yesterday I started to tear up and drove to my parents house to eat soup and watch cable. My dad got home and made me a grilled cheese and my mom got me some meds. I love being at home when I am sick. I get taken good care of. The flu is no fun, but I didn't have to go to work today, so although I have a fever and some achy joints and muscles, I also get to eat Jell-O (my mom gave me), nap and watch Pride & Prejudice - the six hour version. So being sick is not all bad. I like the resting and the not being at work parts.

WWU finally got back to me! I'm in! This is a huge relief as it means that I will be in school again this fall, most likely at Western. Now I feel like I can begin to make plans: look for a part-time job, think about housing for next year, etc. I applied for a marketing specialist position with the hospital, it is 25-28 hours per week and pays a LOT better than my current job. In fact, I think I would probably not lose anything in pay were I to get this job, even though it is less hours. Here's hoping. At least 1/2 of my problems are now solved, and that is Great!

I tried to think of a good acronym to start off this post with, but I settled for a commonly known one that rhymed with my sickness, how's that?

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I have been sitting at my desk with nothing to do since 9 a.m. - I didn't even get any mail to open today. The guy who drops off our newspaper laughed at me and said "whoa hang in there, here's something to read" because I am so obviously bored. I hope to God that I hear back from one of the jobs I applied to by the end of the week, because right now I seriously feel like I am about to snap. And what the HELL is Western doing with my application? Last Wednesday they said I'd hear by the beginning of this week "at the latest" - well freaking admit me or deny me, just tell me already!!! I'm very sorry to everyone who always has to read my bitching about my boring freaking job and my unbelievably dragged out Western application, but if I could just figure these two things out, everything in my life would be Great with a capital G.

Earlier today I looked up my company's resignation policy. I can't wait to write that letter.

Harvard Law Offers Special Tuition Break

This is awesome, I wish more schools would give incentives for public service like this

Friday, March 14, 2008

I Believe

I watched a dramatic episode of Grey's last night (aren't they all) and was inspired by a speech that Izzie gives about what she believes in. Since I am bored and newly thoughtful, I decided to create my own "I believe" list. You can link to Izzie's monologue on YouTube here

  • I believe things will turn out as they're meant to.
  • I believe old people aren't grouchy, just misunderstood
  • I believe sushi contains my daily serving of vegetables
  • I believe the purpose of fashion magazines is to make people feel dissatisfied
  • I believe that everyone should have access to health care
  • I believe that raffles are one of the worst panic inducers
  • I believe that if someone is getting on my nerves, I am probably getting on theirs
  • I believe it is okay to quit something, as long as you really did try
  • I believe music is always better live
  • I believe in cheating on the crossword puzzle after I get completely stuck
  • I believe the best way to have a friend is to be one
  • I believe in carelessness, as long as it is at your own cost
  • I believe in spending myself down to the dime to travel
  • I believe it is important to respect all opinions and beliefs
  • I believe that stacking my 5 lb. hand weights in front of my door will prevent an intruder
  • I believe the first amendment is an absolute
  • I believe women should not have to be afraid to walk alone at night
  • I believe that if you buy a tray of brownies, you might as well eat them all in one sitting, because eventually you're going to eat them all anyway
  • I believe anyone who finished high school should be able to appropriately use: your, you're, to, two, and too
  • I believe that you don't need to know a lot about sports to enjoy them
  • I believe that sleeping out under the stars (sans tent) is really underrated
  • I believe a fish can keep you company
  • I believe people need to feel purpose in their jobs
  • I believe you can often learn more about a person through their writing than you can through conversation

I'm sure I have many more, but I believe I am supposed to try and find something to do for work now. If want to help ease my boredom, you'll post your own list of believe statements, I'm sure I'll get some comedic relief from a few of you.

To all the college educated readers:

I was going to try to write something a little more thoughtful today than I did yesterday. Then I realized that on my last few thoughtful posts I have hardly gotten any comments, while on my "Muffin Top" post, I got 4 overnight. It has become apparent to me that my readers have some low-brow sense of amusement which I can only attempt to appeal to by making my posts more scatological. Here is my offering to the masses:


Bathroom Humor at its finest:

Ghost Poopie
The kind where you feel the poopie come out, but there is no poopie in the toilet.
Clean Poopie
The kind where you poopie it out, see it in the toilet, but there is nothing on the toilet paper.
Wet Poopie
The kind where you wipe your butt 50 times and it still feels unwiped, so you have to put some toilet paper between your butt and underwear so you won't ruin them with a stain.
Second Wave Poopie
This happens when you're done Poopie-ing and you've pulled up your pants to your knees, and you realize that you have to Poopie some more.
The kind where you strain so much to get it out, you practically have a stroke.
Gassy Poopie
It's so noisy, everyone within earshot is laughing.
Drinker Poopie
The kind of Poopie you have the morning after a long night of drinking. Its most noticeable trait is the skid marks on the bottom of the toilet.
Lincoln Log Poopie
The kind of Poopie that is so huge you're afraid to flush without first breaking it into little pieces with the toilet brush.
Corn Poopie
Gee-I-Wish-I-Could-Poopie Poopie
The kind where you want to Poopie but all you do is sit on the toilet and fart a few times.
Spinal Tap Poopie
That's where it hurts so badly coming out, you would swear it was leaving you sideways.
Wet Cheeks Poopie (The Power Dump)
The kind that comes out of your butt so fast, your butt gets splashed with water.
Liquid Poopie
The kind where yellowish-brown liquid shoots out your butt and splashes all over the toilet bowl.
Mexican Poopie
It smells so bad your nose burns.
The Surprise Poopie
You're not even at the toilet because you are sure you're about to fart, but oops.......a Poopie!!!
The Dangling Poopie
This Poopie refuses to drop into the toilet even though you know you are done Poopie-ing it. You just pray that a shake or two will cut it loose.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Google Image Fun

Here's what you get when you google "Muffin Top"

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Yesterday I wrote to WWU's MBA program to check on the status of my application. I got a note back today saying thank goodness I wrote in, because they now realize they lost it. So while that is a minor inconvenience, I feel a lot better now about the long wait time I've had...

MoDo and Political Scandal

I am full of weird dreams lately. I have taken to writing them down in a journal I keep next to my bed, that is, unless I am too tired to motivate myself to write at 3 a.m. Last night I had three dreams. They were pretty vivid, I can remember them all clearly today. One was that the Director of WWU's MBA program told me I wasn't getting in, but that if I work in Burlington for one more year, maybe they will take me next year (okay so this dream was more like a nightmare). The second dream was a bunch of people trying to tell me that the most satisfying relationships are non-physical, I disagreed and got called a hussy, which is ironic because I don't get that much action (I think this came from a story I heard about a blow job last night). The third was a dream that I was waiting in line at a coffee stand, but when I got to the window they had just run out of coffee... weird. I took it as a sign that I needed coffee this morning, which is exactly what I got :)

Good thing I don't really like the coffee/service at the Hound Dog Coffee stand at the bottom of the hill or I would probably go every day. Today I had to make due with Starbucks. Okay although Starbucks does not have the best coffee, I have to say, Starbucks has the best service by far. I always have a good experience when I go there. They are always peppy and friendly and they never rush you. This morning they gave me a bagel with free cream cheese. I love free. To save this morning I even ordered drip coffee (yes Calvin, drip) but with lots of cream and sugar. Bagel + Drip + Free Cream Cheese = $2.95. Good Service = Priceless.

On a side note, as I was reading the paper today I came across an article by my new fav. columnist Maureen Dowd. I love this line from Dowd's column in reference to ex-Governor Spitzer's wife, Silda, and on the duties of politicians' wives in general:

"In modern times, you rarely see any men having to stand ashenly by their women."

So true MoDo, so true. I have read a few other op-ed pieces commenting on the "wifely duties in politcal scandal" phenomenon. Just like Hillary in the wake of Monica, Suzanne Craig after her husband was caught soliciting gay sex in an airport bathroom, and Dina McGreevey after her husband Governor McGreevey of New Jersey resigned upon announcing he was gay and had carried on several extra-marital affairs. It seems strange that the American public expects these wronged spouses to make public appearances which display their solidarity as a family, when in reality, that is far from the truth.

While I agree that couples need to honor their marriage vows and try to make things work, I think that there is also a line. These politicians clearly did not honor their vows, so expecting their wives to make ridiculous gestures of devotion to them at this junction seems terribly unfair. Some might say that the show of support for the wife stands to serve as an example of family values. I say, when you are a political figure who has a wife and three daughters and you are caught soliciting sex in a prostitution ring, it's too little too late for family values. Why is it then the wife's responsibility to be the example?

Call me cruel, but cheating is one thing that should not, in my opinion, be tolerated. Perhaps these couples will try to work things out privately, but in the meantime why the fake show of support? It seems that having the wife stand passively by is a almost a method of condoning what has happened, it's the old 'silence is acceptance' adage. It sucks.

As the Times columnist Foderaro put it, “I think [Spitzer] did enough harm to his wife and children that he didn’t need to take her out there with him. If he was man enough to order a woman as if he were ordering a sandwich off a deli menu, he should have been man enough to go out there and take it on his own.”

Amen Foderaro.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I'm in love with this dog:,1820

I am really going to try and get a dog next year. Unless I live in Seattle, where I'll probably only be able to afford a shoebox.

Monday, March 10, 2008


SYP group this morning was useful as usual: we started off talking about video games, moved on to discussing tea fermentation, and then I listened while the other "SYP"s debated the safety of obstetrical ultrasounds and the irresponsibility of women who choose to use an epidural during labor. If you know me at all, you know that during this last conversation I was really having to bite my tongue. Let's face it, the alternative to having an ultrasound done is possibly that the fetus is in danger and no one finds out about it until it's too late. That's why DSHS (through the state) gives pregnant women FREE pre-natal care including regular OB Ultrasound checks; it's that important. Ultrasound is by far the safest form of digital radiology, and no side effects resulting from ultrasonic sound waves have ever been found. I didn't want to even mention that, were it an option, I might want to be knocked unconscious during labor... Screw natural child birth, give me drugs and OB's any day.

This was a great weekend, and I actually really enjoy my Mondays. Perhaps I have mentioned this in previous blogs, but I get to have the office completely to myself on Mondays. This means that when I am bored, I am totally free to read at my desk, wander through the building, or do jumping jacks in my office. I can also job search without being worried that my boss will see...

I am still anxiously awaiting word from Western. I feel pretty certain at this point (80%) that if I don't get into Western this year, I will have to move to Seattle this fall, if not for grad school, than for a year of work where I am actually learning something. My efforts at job searching locally have been pretty fruitless. The job market is not good right now, especially in Bellingham. There are many many things I would miss if I move to Seattle, but at this point in my life, it seems like I am kind of wasting my opportunities if I keep accepting secretarial jobs just so that I can live in Bellingham. I would rather be in Bellingham, but a year of working in Seattle wouldn't kill me I guess. I need to get some good work experience. The boy and I will make long distance work somehow, as he is determined to stay in Bellingham for one more year no matter what. It has been hard for me to get to this point, really really hard, but I am prepared to make a change in my living situation and lifestyle if necessary. Hopefully Walden and my other Seattle friends will still keep me company ;) Hopefully Western will take me and I won't have to make that decision.

It is difficult to make plans for next year without knowing where I will be living. I am certain that I will be moving houses in August no matter what. I can tell that I am becoming a cleaner person. I used to be cluttered and messy to a huge extent. Sars and I used to throw away dishes because mold grew on them. Now things are different. When I come home from a long day of work I want to have clean dishes to make dinner. I want to be able to sit in the living room without having to clear off a spot on the couch. I don't think I am a cleaning nazi, but it has definitely gotten to be a bit of an issue for me and for the roommates. I understand that they don't have the same newfound cleanliness desire that I have. It is difficult though because they get irritated with me for trying to tidy up because "it's their mess." While I appreciate this sentiment, it doesn't really help me. I don't want to have to wait around until the mood strikes one of them to clean up "their mess," and I don't think I should have to. Consequently, I will take the initiative to clean it myself. This usually happens when the house has been ridiculously messy for several days. I rarely spend time downstairs in the living room anymore because it becomes so cluttered and gross. This is a shame as I VERY much enjoy the company of my roommates and think they are wonderful, fun friends.

Fatima told me she is now a clean person living alone, and I think I might enjoy that as well. If I do end up in the ham next year, I might give it a try! I will miss my bedroom in the Bee Hive, it is my favorite one I've ever had. I would also miss long talks and board games with the roommates. Someone once told me it is important to try living alone at least once in your life. I think if there ever were a time for that, this would be it. Of course I would get a pet...

Friday, March 7, 2008

Body Facts

Something awesome happened today: I spent $30 on gas for that Olympia trip, thinking I would be reimbursed $30. Apparently my company values the "wear and tear" inflicted on my car from the 260 round trip miles. As a result, today I was comped $128 for my mileage. It's basically like $100 free dollars! That's enough to make me excited for the work day! Especially since I was trying to figure out how to justify the cost of mystic tanning and waxing pre-hawaii. Good job corporate office for over-estimating my mileage costs!! (Technically it's good job IRS... but whatever) Did I mention I also am being comped a work day since I spent 12 hours on the job yesterday? One more paid day of vacation. This job may be boring, but some days it really has its perks.

I got into a tiff with the boy yesterday - I don't really feel like rehashing it right now suffice to say that I learned a few things from it. 1. Communication is really really important, as is acknowledgment of the other person's feelings (okay so I already knew that, I was a COMM major). 2. I don't really need to freak out or be a bitch to get attention from the boy, he is good about trying to get things resolved. 3. Actions speak louder than words 4. I have some really great friends, like Walden, who sent me an encouraging message this morning.

Tom and I are both bored in the office today, I can tell. I am not restless bored, just patiently bored, if that's possible. It's a nice change. I never realized that there were so many different types of boredom hahaha.

Off to the gym after work per usual. I have been trying to kick my butt into gear lately so that I can be toned for the beaches in April. It has caused an interesting development. Has anyone else experienced this phenomenon: I feel like the more intensely I commit to working out, the more critical I am of my performance and my body. I feel lots of guilt if I do less than 45 minutes of cardio every day. I feel extra embarrassed that my shoulders and back are STILL sore from doing lateral pull downs three days ago. This seems really vain and stupid, but it is a weird sensation to be so critical of myself, especially when I am working harder than normal.

Maybe that's why there are so many gym addicts out there - the need to achieve "the perfect body" (if there were such a thing) drives people to dissatisfaction even when they already are (relatively) fit. I am beginning to identify with "The Machine" - a workout fiend at my gym who could kick everyone's ass in that room. She seems like she is always pushing it farther and farther, she's in there every single time I visit the gym, maybe she lives there part-time, I'm not sure. Before I just thought she was crazy. Now I find myself thinking, "okay machine, okay, I understand your freakish gym fetish a bit."

It doesn't really follow that a person who never works out would be completely satisfied with themselves either. That would be a rare thing to witness. Maybe everyone is just dissatisfied and overly self-critical. I still blame (as you probably could've guessed) the media for forcing ridiculous and impossible beauty standards on us.

So in the spirit of shoving those ideals, I am going to say, everyone should love love love their bodies as they are. All bodies fit or flab are amazing. Here's why:

- Every fiber, muscle and organ in our bodies work together intricately to keep us alive
- Our bodies store up food for us automatically to help us survive on a barren desert island
- Little microscopic bugs live on the surface of our skin to clean for us. Like little miniature Merry Maids. And we don't even have to pay them.
- The brain sends messages at the rate of 240 mph
- The heart beats about 100,000 times a day
- Most people shed 40 pounds of skin in a lifetime
- The four taste zones on your tongue are bitter (back), sour (back sides), salty (front sides), and sweet (front) - imagine if we couldn't enjoy what we ate!
- The human brain cell can hold 5 times as much information as the Encyclopedia Britannica.
- The fastest growing nail is on your middle finger
- The acid in our stomachs is strong enough to dissolve a razor blade
- Our livers have more than 500 functions
- A fetus acquires fingerprints at 3 months

Crazy. Crazy awesome.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Highs and Lows of Downtime

Tomorrow I will be spending the day in Olympia, as the entourage/chaperon of our two fifth grade event winners. I am really excited to go down with them, however it is pure luck that I even found out I was supposed to go to Olympia on Thursday because my boss never told me. I found out from the director of the event who called to confirm that I had received my itinerary. "What itinerary?" I said. "Oh, didn't Tom tell you that you are supposed to go down to Olympia tomorrow? I talked to him about it last week!" Umm, no. No I didn't know anything about this. hmm.

I'm just going to say that Tom is in his office right now listening to the Dixie Chicks on high volume.

Now that that's off my chest...

Thanks to Lynn's blog I have spent a lot of time playing on It is addictive!! If you haven't tried it, you must. Since I have a lot of down time, I have also gotten to donate a LOT of rice! Here are some other things I appreciate about my down time:
1. I read the NY Times and the Skagit Herald every day and then usually the Seattle P-I too.
2. I get to leave fun comments on everyone's blogs
3. I have plenty of time to google/wikipedia my every passing whim
4. I get to read my book club book
5. Online shopping (not buying, just browsing)
6. Playing with Grouch
7. Studying all the scars on my body and reminiscing about childhood
8. Fiddling with the radio
9. Obsessively check email
10. Scrabbulous

Monday, March 3, 2008

I was your silver lining, but now I'm gold

and then...

Near my work there is a teriyaki place I love called Apple Teriyaki. I only get to go once every other week (self imposed restriction). The interesting thing is that my $6.00 gets me something different every time. I always order a teriyaki chicken bowl. Some days, I get teriyaki chicken and rice only. Some days the lady brings me the chicken bowl and a really good salad. On very special days I get teriyaki, salad and egg drop soup. Now the question is: are these things special extras and some days she feels generous, or, are they supposed to come with my meal and some days she feels lazy? I'm going to go with generous just because I feel good about getting things free, however, I won't check the menu to find out for certain...

I am beginning to feel nervous about my WWU application. It has been two weeks and I still haven't heard anything. This wouldn't make me nervous if someone else I know hadn't already heard back... That's what I get for getting a 590 on my GMATs and for only getting a 3.1 cumulative GPA. Nothing will make you question your intelligence like a standardized test. (If only they put more weight on my writing score) The thing is, during school I was fine with being a B student, I mean, I think I could've gotten A's, but I was too busy skipping class and having fun. I was too busy hanging out in the front yard with KJW at noon, drinking beer and eating pizza! Hahaha, let's hope I am just wait listed and not rejected.

When I was in high school I turned 18 my senior year, early in the year. I wrote myself notes to get out of school all the time. Since I worked at a radiology center, I often wrote notes that included some complicated sounding ailment I had heard about at work. I found that the more complicated the word, the less questions got asked by the office staff. Here is an example:

"Lindsay will be absent from fifth and sixth periods today because she is experiencing severe right lower quadrant pain associated with ongoing lumbo-sacral sciatica."

This seems a little out-there, now that I look back on it, but at the time it seemed perfectly logical. I can't say that my habit of skipping out on classes (which followed me through college) has gotten me anywhere, but at the same time, if all goes well with grad school apps, I wouldn't regret it at all.

On a different and less worrisome note, I am so excited for Hawaii I am counting down days on my work calender. Lynn and I are going to get mystic tanned and waxed before we leave. I hope I don't end up orange. I am excited to look truly tanned for once though, and bonus, mystic tanning comes without cancer causing UVB rays.