Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Clap Three Times

Our newest roommate Ashley arrived last Wednesday and it has been a great addition to the crew out here! On Friday night Ashley and I met up with some of my SBC coworkers at Hula Grill for Kava Tea Night. Kava is a traditional polynesian drink that was customarily consumed by Hawaiian royalty. It has mild sedative effects:


Effects of kavalactones include mild sedation, a slight numbing of the gums and mouth, and vivid dreams. Kava has been reported to improve cognitive performance and promote a cheerful mood. [6] Muscle relaxant, anaesthetic, anticonvulsive and anxiolytic effects are thought to result from direct interactions of kavalactones with voltage-gated ion channels. [7] Research currently suggests that kavalactones potentiate GABAA activity but do not alter levels of dopamine and serotonin in the CNS. [8] Heavy, long-term kava use does not cause any reduction of ability in saccade and cognitive tests but is associated with elevated liver enzymes. [9]

Desmethoxyyangonin, one of the six major kavalactones, is a reversible MAO-B inhibitor (Ki 280 nM)[10] and is able to increase dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbens. This finding might correspond to the slightly euphoric action of kava.[11

To drink Kava, which is a cold brewed tea, you first clap once, drink the entire cup immediately and then clap three times when finished. There was a great singer at the Hula and I took a video of him singing IZ's "Over the Rainbow" but I can't figure out how to load it onto here...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

I have neglected this blog

I kept meaning to write in here but something always distracts me. That, and the fact that we all have to fight for internet time with our one plug in. Living in Waikiki has been a great experience so far, and I am finally beginning to adjust to the constant and almost oppressive heat (poor me). I have been working at Seattle's Best Coffee and am really liking it, the only trouble is the money: it doesn't pay as well as Cruisin and I am living in an expensive city, so I may have to look around for something a little more lucrative, and by that I mean something that pays more than $11 an hour.

I am very excited for people to come visit! I would even be excited if some people called me back (you all know who you are) because we don't have that many friends out here yet...

Last week C and I went to North Shore, a little town called Haleiwa (pronounced Hala - eva) which is reputed to have some of the best surfing in the world and the best sno-cones. We found it is a little difficult to eat them before they melt though... as for surfing, well I haven't tried it yet. Maybe when people come to visit.

What else is there to do besides lay on the beach? I spend a lot of time relaxing, playing yahtzee, reading, and doing crossword puzzles. I know that sounds grandma-ish, but it's fun! We have found some of the best drink specials in Waikiki and, my personal favorite, the best dessert in town. Did I mention you all should come visit?!

KJ(Not Dub)

I have spent the better part of thirty minutes surfing through one of my favorite sites (dictionary.com) in hopes of finding the perfect adjective with which to describe my Waikiki building manager KJ when we complain to his boss. Here are a few that I thought were appropriate:

Petulant: moved to or showing sudden, impatient irritation, esp. over some trifling annoyance

Curmundgeonly: brusque and surly and forbidding; "crusty remarks"; "a crusty old man"

Imperious: domineering in a haughty manner; dictatorial; overbearing

Thank you dictionary.com. Let me tell you a few anecdotes to help you understand:
1) I am minding my own business in the elevator when KJ boards. He turns to me and says, "You know, the pool guy had to clean up your mess today." "What mess?" I reply. "You know. All those cigarette butts you and your friends have been dropping from your lanai. Are you all about through with that?" Wanting to clear this up quickly I say, "Umm, KJ, my roommates and I don't smoke, none of us do..." "Sure," he quips back, "None of you would do that. Just keep in mind that someone ELSE has to pick up these things" Sensing his obvious disbelief in my innocence, I scramble to defend my reputation and find myself saying, "KJ, three of the four of us have severe asthma, we definitely would not smoke in in our apartment!" As unbelievable a lie as it is, KJ seems relieved, "Oh you do? Good. I'm glad to hear that."
2) Harrison leaves his keys in the elevator. It may be important to note here that you cannot go up or down in the elevator without keys, meaning that Harrison spent the weekend waiting outside the building for someone else to let him up, and was unable to go down in the elevator without one of us going too. Keys are extra important here. After searching for them over the weekend to no avail, Harrison visits KJ's office Monday afternoon to ask if anyone has turned them in. He tells KJ that his keys are on a key ring with a bright orange flip-flop key chain (a gift from our landlord) so they are hard to miss. KJ says he hasn't seen them, but that he does have the mail key our landlord sent him for us. As he opens his top desk drawer to retrieve the mail key, Harrison spies a bright orange flip-flop. "Hey!! That's my key!" KJ, caught, hands Harrison the missing keys on the flip-flop key ring saying, "Yeah, someone turned them in Friday, I just wanted to teach you a lesson." Let me also note here that KJ lives in the building and could have returned them over the weekend, and that at least once a week there is a note in the elevator from some tenant who left his or her keys in the elevator lock. Why does KJ pick on us? I don't know, these are a few small examples of our encounters with KJ.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Okay okay, finally a new post (finally internet). Have been in Hawaii for about three weeks or so, and so far, it's great! Obviously I miss a few bham things: my family, the better lovers, the beav, and yes, even the rain. My translucent skin and I are still trying to adjust to the constant sunshine and 80 degree weather. So far we haven't ventured too far outside of Waikiki, but Celina and I did visit a nice quiet beach the other day called "Sandy Beach," creative eh? It is also known as break-neck beach because the waves break so hard on the shore that if you get caught up in them you can literally break yourself. Don't worry, I already experienced the unseen wave and my subsequent underwater tumble through the sand onto shore. When I got home not only was there sand in my bottoms, but I found a rock the size of marble had also made it in there somehow. Don't ask me how I didn't notice that until I got home. I think I was too water logged and confused from my wave ass-kicking.

I want to learn to surf. I told a few people this (ahem, Sarah) and shortly thereafter received a wall post linking me to an article about "Surfer's Myelopathy: first time surfer's go paralyzed in Hawaii" Thanks.

I got a job as a barista for Seattle's best. I like the girls who work there a lot and the location (across the street from Waikiki Beach) but tips haven't been as good as they were at Cruisin'... I am told this is normal for coffee houses as opposed to coffee stands. Hopefully I can support myself on what I am making so that I don't have to get a second job. Milk out here costs $8, and I like milk.

I also am dependent on public transportation out here. It's quite an experience since I have never had a bus pass and very rarely ever took a bus in Bellingham. I find it's a pretty great spot for people watching. Today I saw a very old lady fall asleep on the bus, and I thought maybe she had died. I started to get pretty worried but she woke up after the bus came to a sudden halt. I wondered what buses do in case of on-board emergencies. Does the whole bus detour to the hospital or do they pull over and wait for an ambulance? I also saw two Germans in wacky outfits and a cute curly haired kid who liked to read out the names of all the stores we passed. People on the bus often smell, and it is difficult to go grocery shopping without a car, but other than that I really like it.

Well, there is a really nice sunset going on that I can see from the Lanai, so I am going to wrap this up by saying, our condo has plenty of couch and floor space, so come visit!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First Amendment Still Rocks

One more reason I am ever grateful for the first amendment. What if we lived in a country where you could be sentenced to a year of labor for petitioning the government to peaceably assemble in protest?

Monday, August 18, 2008

Fall is Coming! Fall is Coming! Fall is Coming!

It starting to get to that point where you can feel it in the air. I love fall for many reasons: the smell of the air, the crisp breeze, warm sweaters, cozy fireplaces, and best of all; new beginnings. The onset of fall is even more a "fresh-slate feeling" than the new year. Maybe we are conditioned to think that way because that's when each new school year began, but even now that I'm out of school, it still feels that way. I also know I am a true Pacific Northwesterner at heart because all the rain makes me feel good, fresh and secure, I find myself looking forward to those drizzly days. Yay fall in Bellingham, I heart you. I hope I get to experience you before I go.

Monday, August 11, 2008

It was unfair - to Ken.

MoDo!! Ha!

I miss you, journalism

I'm in a really good mood for writing. If I weren't at work answering the phone every three minutes I would sit down and write a long blog. If there is one thing I miss about school, it's having the chance to write pages and pages every week. Sometimes it seemed like a chore, but mostly I enjoyed it, whether it was a research paper or a blog or a news story. I miss it.

Hopefully I will get to write a long blog later. Hopefully I will still be in the mood. It's been an eventful weekend and has put me in a pensive mood. Pensive + Writing = Relief.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It's almost time for the Olympics!!!

Remember this awesome moment? Strug famously helped the U.S. win gold by landing a vault on only one foot - she had torn two ligaments in the other.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Side Note

Yesterday the woman who teaches me yoga at the gym came through my line at Cruisin. She ordered a 20 oz. breve mocha with extra chocolate and extra whip. If you are not familiar with coffee, you may not understand how surprising it is for a yoga instructor, who practices organic eating and cleansing, to order this drink.

People's coffee drinks actually DO tell about them. Right now I'm a Double-Tall Almond Latte. Tell me your drink, I'll analyze you.

Long time, no write

I used to be better about writing in this!

Saturday was my first day off in five weeks, and boy was it satisfying. Here's what I did:
Recovered from book club by sleeping till 9:45.
Ate spinach furtada while watching the footage from Ski-to-Sea with my teammates
Got a peach smoothie
Played Disc Golf ("Not frolfing, Budz") with KJW
Picked Raspberries with KJW at a "you-pick" farm
Made cobbler with said raspberries
Showered (finally)
Went to Downtown Bob's to meet new friends

All in all, a fabulous day!

I have been job searching for Hawaii! I think I am going to try and do the Barista thing. Seattle's Best is hiring in Oahu and I figure the fact that I have a few advantages with this company, a.) I know how to be a barista and b.) I am actually from the Seattle area in the pnw coffee capitol. I need to update my resume.

I moved home with my parents yesterday. Yes, for one month I will be reverting back to my 16 year old self (which is what always happens) having to explain where I am going and with whom, and getting in trouble for not picking up my dishes. One bonus: cable, an amenity I have gone without for about four years now. Last night my parents went to bed at 9:00 and I watched "Legally Blonde: The broadway search for Elle Woods" on MTV, washed five loads of laundry, and unpacked my crap. Productive.

Monday, July 21, 2008


We definitely take for granted the FDA regulations and restrictions we have here in the US. What if you could go to a pet store to buy suicide drugs?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Mooshy movies make me mooshy.

"I remember that time you told me, you said, 'Love is touching souls' and surely you touched mine 'cause part of you pours out of me in these lines from time to time." - Joni Mitchell

I moved all my furniture into the living room tonight. My bed is in our dining room and my mini TV is on the bar. It is weird with no roomies around. I'm watching sappy movies, listening to music, painting my toenails and talking for hours on the phone to my girlfriends. It feels just like junior high all over again, only minus the parents being just down the hall. Instead the parents are just across town.

Plus I get to think about my crush, aka "The Boy." It has been a weird couple of months, but things are going better. That quote above made me think of him, and seemed appropriate to my blog. I have been thinking lately how grateful I am to have him around. Even when we argue or get impatient, he is still the person I most want to talk to every day. Here are some of my favorite things about the boy: He is always warm, like a space heater (which is nice because I am always cold); he often answers the phone "Hi beautiful" when I call (and let's be honest, what girl wouldn't like that? It makes me feel good even on days when I haven't showered or worn makeup); he is a good listener, even if he has already heard the story/problem/issue 5 times from me before; he always offers to help even if that means working with Courtney and I clean out the house and sort though old dirty socks and underwear; and he makes the best confused face ever, like an adorable bunny... only clearly a macho alpha bunny. So there you have it.

I will spend the rest of my night feeling slightly paranoid about being alone in the house while watching Grey's Anatomy and eating ice cream... yay!

Who knew Ben Stein was also a writer?

Some very good advice on love from an economist's perspective:

Lessons in Love, by Way of Economics


AS my fine professor of economics at Columbia, C. Lowell Harriss (who just celebrated his 96th birthday) used to tell us, economics is the study of the allocation of scarce goods and services. What could be scarcer or more precious than love? It is rare, hard to come by and often fragile.

My primary life study has been about love. Second comes economics, so here, in the form of a few rules, is a little amalgam of the two fields: the economics of love. (I last wrote about this subject 20 years or so ago, and it’s time to update it.)

In general, and with rare exceptions, the returns in love situations are roughly proportional to the amount of time and devotion invested. The amount of love you get from an investment in love is correlated, if only roughly, to the amount of yourself you invest in the relationship.

If you invest caring, patience and unselfishness, you get those things back. (This assumes, of course, that you are having a relationship with someone who loves you, and not a one-sided love affair with someone who isn’t interested.)

High-quality bonds consistently yield more return than junk, and so it is with high-quality love. As for the returns on bonds, I know that my comment will come as a surprise to people who have been brainwashed into thinking that junk bonds are free money. They aren’t. The data from the maven of bond research, W. Braddock Hickman, shows that junk debt outperforms high quality only in rare situations, because of the default risk.

In love, the data is even clearer. Stay with high-quality human beings. And once you find that you are in a junk relationship, sell immediately. Junk situations can look appealing and seductive, but junk is junk. Be wary of it unless you control the market.

(Or, as I like to tell college students, the absolutely surest way to ruin your life is to have a relationship with someone with many serious problems, and to think that you can change this person.)

Research pays off. The most appealing and seductive (that word again) exterior can hide the most danger and chance of loss. For most of us, diversification in love, at least beyond a very small number, is impossible, so it’s necessary to do a lot of research on the choice you make. It is a rare man or woman who can resist the outward and the surface. But exteriors can hide far too much.

In every long-term romantic situation, returns are greater when there is a monopoly. If you have to share your love with others, if you have to compete even after a brief while with others, forget the whole thing. You want to have monopoly bonds with your long-term lover. At least most situations work out better this way. ( I am too old to consider short-term romantic events. Those were my life when Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon were in the White House.)

The returns on your investment should at least equal the cost of the investment. If you are getting less back than you put in over a considerable period of time, back off.

Long-term investment pays off. The impatient day player will fare poorly without inside information or market-controlling power. He or she will have a few good days but years of agony in the world of love.

To coin a phrase: Fall in love in haste, repent at leisure.

Realistic expectations are everything. If you have unrealistic expectations, they will rarely be met. If you think that you can go from nowhere to having someone wonderful in love with you, you are probably wrong.

You need expectations that match reality before you can make some progress. There may be exceptions, but they are rare.

When you have a winner, stick with your winner. Whether in love or in the stock market, winners are to be prized.

Have a dog or many dogs or cats in your life. These are your anchors to windward and your unfailing source of love.

Ben Franklin summed it up well. In times of stress, the three best things to have are an old dog, an old wife and ready money. How right he was.

THERE is more that could be said about the economics of love, but these thoughts may divert you while you are thinking about your future.

And let me close with another thought. I am far from glib about the economy. It has a lot of pitfalls facing it. As workers and investors, we know that many dangers lurk in our paths.

But so far, these things have always worked themselves out and this one will, too. In the meantime, they say that falling in love is wonderful, and that the best is falling in love with what you have.

Ben Stein is a lawyer, writer, actor and economist. E-mail: ebiz@nytimes.com.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Barack's Plan for Iraq

Obama contributed an op-ed piece to the NY Times today on his plan for getting out of Iraq. Read about it here.

Friday, July 11, 2008

7 weeks and counting

I leave on August 29th for Hawai'i!!! Only 7 more weeks left in town. It has all seemed a little surreal, but now as I am preparing to pack up my house and tie up some loose ends, it is beginning to become more real to me. Here are a list of the top things I will miss when I move:

*Family and friends is obviously number 1.
*My gym, I know this sounds ditzy or nerdy, but I love love love my gym and all the people there and I'm really nervous that I won't be able to find a good gym in Hawaii. I will miss the other regulars like Twin, The Machine, Dimples, and Retirement Playa.
*Coffee. Let's face it, islanders don't know from good coffee
*My own room. I am excited about my roommates, but I haven't shared a room in years and I think I will miss my privacy a little.
*The rain. I get a little grouchy if it goes more than a week without a gray, cloudy sky and some showers. Call it a side-effect of being raised in the Pacific Northwest, but I like the rain.
*Being able to go a long time without applying sunscreen or shaving my legs. These things will obviously change.
*Cheap milk. Cheap living, for that matter.
*My car, I am going to have to adjust to public transportation. I'm not a princess or anything, but I'm not looking forward to riding the bus everywhere.
*80's night, especially since the Nightlight will reopen this September.
*All the used bookstores around here.

Here are a list of things I will enjoy in Honolulu that Bham doesn't have:
*Palm trees and sandy beaches, water warm enough to swim in without the fear of hypothermia
*Mike Love.
*Laid back lifestyle. Sunshine generally makes people happier than rain.
*New exciting job
*New friends and new adventures
*Old friends visiting me on a tropical island, my home being a vacation destination
*New puppy??? Let's hope so.

Year of the Rat

I was reminded at work today that in Chinese zodiac it's the year of the Rat, it's my year! I looked up the Rat to find out what it says about me as a person. The description was surprisingly accurate I thought, especially the negative side:

Being the first sign of the Chinese zodiac, rats are leaders, pioneers and conquerors. They are charming, passionate, charismatic, practical and hardworking. Rat people are endowed with great leadership skills and are the most highly organized, meticulous, and systematic of the twelve signs. Intelligent and cunning at the same time, rats are highly ambitious and strong-willed people who are keen and unapologetic promoters of their own agendas, which often include money and power. They are energetic and versatile and can usually find their way around obstacles, and adapt to various environments easily. A rat's natural charm and sharp demeanor make it an appealing friend for almost anyone, but rats are usually highly exclusive and selective when choosing friends and so often have only a few very close friends whom they trust.

Behind the smiles and charm, rats can be terribly obstinate and controlling, insisting on having things their way no matter what the cost. These people tend to have immense control of their emotions, which they may use as a tool to manipulate and exploit others, both emotionally and mentally. Rats are masters of mind games and can be very dangerous, calculative and downright cruel if the need arises. Quick-tempered and aggressive, they will not think twice about exacting revenge on those that hurt them in any way. Rats need to learn to relax sometimes, as they can be quite obsessed with detail, intolerant and strict, demanding order, obedience, and perfection.

A valuable lesson for Rats is to learn to consider others before themselves, at least sometimes, and to avoid forcing their ideas onto others. Rats are fair in their dealings and expect the same from others in return, and can be deeply affronted if they feel they have been deceived or that their trust has been abused. Sometimes they set their targets too high, whether in relation to their friends or in their career. But as the years pass, they will become more idealistic and tolerant. If they can develop their sense of self and realize it leaves room for others in their life as well, Rats can find true happiness.

I thought a few of you might be interested in your own Chinese zodiacs, so here you go, let me know if you think they are accurate:

If you were born Feb. 3, 1983 - Feb. 1, 1984 you are a Pig

If you were born Feb. 4, 1985 - Feb. 8, 1986 you are an Ox

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Tattoo where?

Okay, I have seriously been contemplating the idea of getting a tattoo, I even know what it would be. I would have the "Five Solas" written in Latin in small script. They are:

-Sola scriptura
-Sola fide
-Sola gratia
-Solus Christus
-Soli Deo Gloria

Which mean, "By Scripture alone, by faith alone, by grace alone, by Christ alone, Glory to God alone" respectively. You can read more about the history of these phrases here. Now the questions are, what do you all think about having this etched on my body forever, and, where should it go?

Since this would be a life-long commitment, I expect a thoughtful response from everyone. Go.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

This is coming off my facebook wall, but I want to immortalize it forever

"Ten Steps to Get to my Crush
1. Become friends with his friends.
2. Become the basketball team manager
3. Walk by the weight room if he is in there (but not too many times in one day)
4. Find the word "sandwich" in as many languages as you can.
5. Watch WWF when you get the chance
6. When you see him in the hall, Smile!
7. Have friends say good things about you.
8. Find out what he's into - get into it!
9. Practice basketball at open gym, maybe show off your moves?
10. Talk to him."
- Excerpt from a friends middle school diary


On the ride back from Seattle the other day, as Matt R and Marti slept peacefully in the backseat, Patty and I talked talked about what's going on in everyone's post graduate life. This inevitably led to a talk about facebook stalking, which is how most of us keep up with our peers. This type of social information network comes with many pitfalls. Pat told me he that now when people ask him what is going on with so-and-so, he may know, but he will censor what he says because it's hard to remember if that person told him, or if he found out via internet stalking, which is far less socially acceptable gossip. We agreed that the social stigma of being a facebook stalker is unwarranted, because practically everyone uses this tool for information whether they admit it or not. What you put on your facebook or myspace profile is fair game, I say. There should be no shame in knowing a ridiculous amount of useless information like favorite music, movies and relationship status updates about that one kid from that one class freshman year.

Camping this weekend was a huge success. We scared away the people who would have camped in the site next to us after they pulled up and saw all of our "beer wands" which were all the beers we drank over the weekend duct-taped together to form long poles. Since there were upwards of ten people hanging out, you can imagine that there were quite a few beers cans to string together... the would-be neighbors relocated to a site down the road a ways.

If you get bored of your facebook stalking check out these sites, my most visited internet hotspots besides face/myspace:

www.nytimes.com (to Maureen Dowd)

I love book club better lovers, beaver Don, and songstress Maria Taylor

Thursday, June 26, 2008

What Love means to 4-8 year olds ...

A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, 'What does love mean?'

The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you think:


'When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend
over and paint her toenails anymore.
So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even
when his hands got arthritis too. That's love.'

Rebecca- age 8


'When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth.'

Billy - age 4


'Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other.'

Karl - age 5


'Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs.'

Chrissy - age 6


'Love is what makes you smile when you're tired.'

Terri - age 4


'Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK.'

Danny - age 7


'Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk more. My Mommy and Daddy are like that. They look gross when they kiss'

Emily - age 8


'Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen.'

Bobby - age 7 (Wow!)


'If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate,'

Nikka - age 6


'Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday.'

Noelle - age 7


'Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well.'

Tommy - age 6


'During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling. He was the only one doing that. I wasn't scared

Cindy - age 8


'My mommy loves me more than anybody. You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at

Clare - age 6


'Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken.'

Elaine-age 5


'Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford.'

Chris - age 7


'Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day.'

Mary Ann - age 4


'I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones.'

Lauren - age 4


'When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you.' (what an image)

Karen - age 7


'Love is when Mommy sees Daddy on the toilet and she doesn't think it's gross.'

Mark - age 6


'You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget.'

Jessica - age 8

And the final one

The winner was a four year old child whose next door
neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently
lost his wife.

Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the
old gentleman's yard, climbed onto his lap, and just
sat there.

When his Mother asked what he had said to the
neighbor, the little boy said,

'Nothing, I just helped him cry'

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Year of Living Biblically

In the new book club book, The Year of Living Biblically, the author tries to follow the Bible as literally as possible. This has already led to some amusing and embarrassing scenes for the author. Aside from putting tassels on his clothes and having unshaven facial hair, the author has to abide by some pretty tough rituals, one of which has lead to my favorite moment so far: Jacobs is not allowed to touch his wife or sit anywhere she has sat during the time of the month when she menstruates because in the old testament it was considered "unclean." Highly affronted, Jacobs' wife retaliates by sitting on every surface in the house; every chair, bed and countertop. Jacobs solves this problem by purchasing this "handy seat". He then proceeds to write about why this handy seat is a wonderful commode for his situation: 1. It "looks like a staff." and 2. Most likely all public seating is "unclean" and so he can whip it out on the subway or a restaurant!

Point being: this is a funny book because living the old testament in modern times would be very difficult, yet comedic. You should read it.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

My right shoulder hurts. Actually my whole right side hurts and I'm wondering how it happened. Either my right side has been doing a disproportionate amount of work, or I've had a minor stroke. Hmm.


First day back at MBI. Familiar familiar familiar in a good way. In a better way than I envisioned at first. This also means that I have time again every day to check/stalk people's blogs, facebook profiles and general wikipedia wonderings. Not too much time (like in Burlington), just down time. Yay! Plus I am making lots o' money.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The "L" List

This is Blake Lively, she is now at the top of my L-List, and I haven't even seen Gossip Girl:
The rest are as follows:
2. Jessica Alba
3. Kate Hudson
4. Eva Longoria-Parker
5. Keira Knightley

Now write and leave me your "top 5" L or G lists. Pretty please.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Murdoch Freak Out

Murdoch freaks out over this parody of the Wall Street Journal and its objectivity in reporting practices.

Life After Burlington

It has been a very long time since I last posted. Do you know why that is? It's because I have NOT been staring mindlessly at my computer screen, trapped at my desk, in Burlington. Now I can do something during the day other than facebook stalk acquaintances and dig dirt out from under my nails with a bent paperclip. So what's new?

I am working coffee. I just had my first day on the coffee bar, and it went as well as could be expected (although I burnt myself on the steam wand more times than I could really justify). It has been fun comparing stories with my other barista friends: Sars, KJW, and Emily.

I am trying to get an internship with Baron & Co. and have done an interview and a writing/editing exam. I'm not sure if I'm in, but I hope so. The guy interviewing me is really cool and we have one mutual friend (Lach!) so I hope that that might score me some points... although I wish I would've had my AP Style Book today at the copy-editing quiz.... When to abbreviate the word Street and the months of the year - some things I hadn't thought about for a while.

AP Style can be tricky anyway - in journalism I once got a C on an otherwise perfect copy just because I didn't change the word "Pig" to "Hog" throughout the paper (Apparently if it is more than 500 lbs., it is technically a hog.)

Today I ate an entire tub of Reeses peanut butter bites. That's about 1000 unnecessary calories. Now I feel like a hog - not a pig, a hog.

I also did Ski to Sea last weekend with the Better Lovers. We came in 419 out of 430... so yeah, we did really well and now some of us are thinking of doing a triathlon together. Yay!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Two years ago some guy invented "Rape-X" a condom (or diaphragm) that a woman can wear if she is worried about being raped. It has barbed hooks that will rip or shred the penis of a rapist, effectively impairing him and giving the victim time to escape. The idea for this product came in part from an old myth called "vagina dentata" which is Latin for "toothed vagina." In old days this was a cautionary tale to prevent men from raping women or having sex with strangers. Interesting.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Best Monday Ever, and KJW why don't you read my blog anymore?

It's my last Monday ever in Burlington, which means it is also the best Monday ever in Burlington.

This weekend I stayed up for 24 hours so that I could do "Burly Girls" an all-girl event that is RYD-ish but with different tasks and a lot less gender supremacy. We met in the park in cocktail dresses for opening ceremony on Friday night, then we got into sweats to play football. I'm not super competitive or coordinated, but I think I did alright. I tackled someone and ran down the field with the ball. I don't know how many yards or whatever, but I am a fast runner and so it seemed pretty far. We got energy drinks at the super market. We played Kick-the-Can in an abandoned cement factory, got cheesy fries at the Ranch Room, hiked to Sehome Arboretum, played German spotlight, rode bikes down Alabama, went skinny dipping in Lake Padden, danced in the Cruisin' Coffee parking lot on Lakeway, watched the sunrise from Toad Mountain and did random acts of kindness. It was a full night, and it was awesome.

Last night Ren, Courtney and I talked about what "love" is, and whether it is fundamentally the same in all relationships, whether romantic or platonic. I think they are very much the same, although there are a few glaring differences - I wouldn't want to make out with my sister for example - but I think the root of it is still the same. I still take my definition of real "love" from 1 Corinthians, but even then, I don't know if perfect Love is possible here on earth. I still wonder sometimes if love is strong enough to overcome all the pain in this world. I know I still have my own reservations and worries to break through in that department as well, because to me, human love can be a scary and unreliable thing. Over the last few years many things have happened to make me doubt the power of human love; relationships break up, friendships dissolve, people who say they "love" end up cheating or lying to each other. It seems like people are most often self-seeking and self-gratifying (myself included). Can we really have any true conception of what Love is? The only completely unfailing earthly love I have ever experienced has been from my parents; I can never remember a time I ever doubted their love for me or worried about putting my trust in them. I hope this type of love is possible in all other relationships, but I don't know it, and the more of life I see, the harder it gets to believe in it. So here's to hoping...

At least it was a good discussion. Any thoughts? Comments?

Later today I am going to make my rounds about the property and say goodbye to all the store managers I have worked with here. I decided to make a list of some things I will actually miss in Burlington: treats from Rocky Mountain Chocolate, free time to check my email/facebook/blogs, the maintenance crew, talking to managers, and editing copy (on the rare occasion I get to). There. That was a pretty good list. Back to my last Outlet Shoppes Monday ever!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Yay for the Week!

I had my barista training yesterday! Well it was only the first day of 20 hours I believe, but it was pretty cool. I learned "tamping" and "ristretto" and "crema" and I also learned how to make good foam (I kept in mind what you said, Walden, about tipping the cup) and I made a caramel macchiato and a wet cappuccino! Yay!! I love coffee!

Even better: I discovered that the ONLY public relations firm in Bellingham is taking on a summer intern. I applied. Interview Wednesday. Did I mention this is a PAID internship?! Life if freaking really good right now. If I ended up getting this internship it would be the most exciting thing all year. And, as everyone keeps telling me, this is my year! So I should get it, if that Chinese zodiac thing really works... Plus it couldn't hurt that this company did a huge PR campaign for the radiology center that my dad runs, could it? :)

The only bad thing of the week has been these paralyzing foot cramps I have been getting. (Don't panic Ski-to-Sea-ers) They have been getting progressively worse over the last few months and the last week or so have gotten to be regular post-workout ragers. I run, run, run and then it feels like my foot begins to be cut in half vertically, right at the ball. I have to stop and like, hug my foot and cry.

"Eat Bananas." That is what everyone says. Apparently cramps can be caused by a lack of potassium. So now I am eating at least one banana a day. IcyHot helps too.

I saw Matt K at the gym yesterday. I told him about Hawaii. The ensuing discussion led to my favorite quote of the week:

"Hawaii is a dumb fucking state. I mean really really dumb! Everyone drops out of school there when they are like 12. You could definitely find a job there. Not that you need to go to a state full of dumb people in order to find a job..."

Monday, May 12, 2008

What the Hell is going on?!

Earthquake in China kills 8,500 people
Cyclone Toll Raised to 32,000

Online Shopping Etc.

I haven't written for a whole week and that is crazy! Still working on the Hawaii plan. At my family reunion this weekend the relatives were split pretty evenly down the middle. Half said, "Go to Hawaii, you are young!!" the other half said, "Forget it! Go to grad school and stop procrastinating the real world already."

In Spokane I bought an extremely adorable pair of red leather open-toed pumps with a three inch heel at Nordstrom Rack. Where will I wear them? I don't know. Why do I need them? I really don't. But they are Steve Maddens and were on a BIG sale. God I love Nordstrom rack. I love shoes. And I have been doing a little bit of compulsive shopping.

I wanted to buy an old/used 4 GB ipod on ebay that I could strap to my arm and work out with (My 30 GB one is too big for that) so I found one for $40, bid on it, won, and then realized that it wasn't a real iPod, it was a knock off. But the seller used the word iPod in the title and in the description and then did this at the bottom:
*iPod alike
So now that I know it isn't a REAL iPod, I don't want to pay for this knock off and I'm trying to figure out what happens if I just don't submit payment for it... what can ebay do to me? Anyone know? I know that I am the idiot here for not reading the "fine print" but obviously this was a scam... and I now realize that I need to SAVE my money, not spend it on super super cute Steve Madden shoes and an iPod knockoff.

On an internet-shopping related note, check out my sister's website. She designs and makes her own hats and is selling them online. It's pretty cool actually.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Two Weeks Notice

"It's really really easy to get a food handler's permit. On the test the questions are like, 'Should you pick your nose and wipe it in the food?' Umm, no." - Lynn B. on taking the test for food handling.

I gave my two weeks notice on Friday. I am really excited, in fact, the knowledge that I will only be trapped in Burlington for two more weeks has shed a very sunny light on my lately downtrodden spirit. I hope I enjoy slinging coffee, I hope the pay cut is worth it. I have a feeling that almost anything would be more engaging and enjoyable than my present job. Now I can finally stop whining about it - aren't you all soooo relieved?

Last night I had some difficulty sleeping because I was imaging that a ghost who looks like this:
was about to crawl into bed next to me. (Bag Head Boy) I tried to call the boy for emotional support, but he was already sleeping and didn't have the energy to assuage my perfectly justified and rational fear. It was a very scary movie!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Afternoon off

Yay for the afternoon off!!! I left work at 11:45 this morning to make it to an interview with Cruisin' at 12:30. Now at 2:30, here I sit: watching 27 dresses, drinking a pint of Boundary Bay Scotch Ale and eating salted cashews. I feel slightly inebriated. Good day.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I love reading my old blogs on myspace. I was way funnier back then.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Spring really does make a person feel like cleaning. I have cleaned out the files in my office (mostly to avoid more work on the phone tree) and my bedroom at home. I kept finding pairs of shoes, so I decided to round them all up and I counted about 35 pairs including my flip flops. That number seemed a little excessive by itself, then I realized that I didn't even bring all my shoes from my parents house... hmmm. I love them all too much to give away. Like my earring preference (large and circular) I seem to also have a shoe preference. I have about five pairs of open toed wedges in varying heel size and color and approximately six pairs of differently styled black flats.

Also, I am online shopping as an attempt to satiate my boredom, and it's bad because I don't have any money. In the last week I have bought: two layering camis from wetseal.com; the new Dave Barnes cd, and the movie Juno. Total: $35.00

At least it wasn't more shoes.

Monday, April 28, 2008

I adored this movie.

On the Move

So, I really think I want this move to work out. I think it would be a fun adventure and I don't know when else I will be as free to do this as I am right now. I am a little apprehensive, but mostly just really excited at the prospect. I still need to find some other people willing to delay their lives for almost a year, but if I can convince anyone, I will be ready to commit... Patience has never been a strong virtue of mine, and now, as plans grow increasingly ambiguous I am struggling to stay patient and see what happens. Thoughts? Advice? Know someone who wants to go?

Friday, April 25, 2008

Oh My God, It Could Really Happen

Hi Lindsay,

It is no problem for you to defer your admission till 2009 if you feel like you have a great opportunity. The process if for you to contact Dr. ---- via email and let him know what you wish to do and ask for his concurrence. Make it clear to them that you don’t want to withdraw your application but just defer it to 2009. Good luck and let me know if you need further assistance.


Thursday, April 24, 2008


I just found out that my stand-in boyfriend also reads these blogs, now I feel added pressure to be witty or at least pithy. I haven't been achieving that lately - sorry Nate, I will try to do better in the future!

I still haven't heard back from my MBA Adviser. I am a really impatient person and am resisting the urge to shoot off another email... I guess it has only been four days. I really need to know if deferment is even an option. On that note, I have continued to attempt to recruit people who wish to live in island paradise for about 9 months. Interested parties, let me know :)

This is short, and not witty at all, but I have to finish writing my f-ing phone tree for work, so I must go. More later.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Have I Mentioned that I Love Maureen Dowd?

Oh MoDo, you make me laugh out loud at work.

Best Pull Text:

"In the final days in Pennsylvania, [Obama] dutifully logged time at diners and force-fed himself waffles, pancakes, sausage and a Philly cheese steak. He split the pancakes with Michelle, left some of the waffle and sausage behind, and gave away the French fries that came with the cheese steak.

But this is clearly a man who can’t wait to get back to his organic scrambled egg whites. That was made plain with his cri de coeur at the Glider Diner in Scranton when a reporter asked him about Jimmy Carter and Hamas.

“Why” he pleaded, sounding a bit, dare we say, bitter, “can’t I just eat my waffle?”

His subtext was obvious: Why can’t I just be president? Why do I have to keep eating these gooey waffles and answering these gotcha questions and debating this gonzo woman?"

And on the Clinton campaign bullying:

"The very fact that he can’t shake her off has become her best argument against him. “Why can’t he close the deal?” Hillary taunted at a polling place on Tuesday.

She’s been running ads about it, suggesting he doesn’t have “what it takes” to run the country. Her message is unapologetically emasculating: If he does not have the gumption to put me in my place, when superdelegates are deserting me, money is drying up, he’s outspending me 2-to-1 on TV ads, my husband’s going crackers and party leaders are sick of me, how can he be trusted to totally obliterate Iran and stop Osama?"

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Okay that was a weak moment

I am going to try to write something other than self-pitying diatribes.

Last night I went to Rilo Kiley, which was seriously awesome, we stood one row from the stage and sang along to all my favorites like: It's a Hit, Portions for Foxes, and Silver Lining. I also discovered a new song I like:

Then I found out that Mason Jennings is coming to Seattle and I have been waiting to see him in concert for as long as I've loved his music (or about four years). People who blow harp in their music get bonus points in my book. If I could learn to play any instrument, it might be that one.

I am still waiting to hear back from my MBA adviser on the deferment process (if they even have one), and I feel productive about checking into it.

If you want a big smile today you will check this out. You will enjoy it all the more if you've ever done customer service (who hasn't).

I hate jobs and leases and admissions.

It would be very difficult to explain to anyone right now how fucking trapped my life feels. And I'm sorry I am always bitching about it and have nothing else interesting to say anymore.

I'm really trying here Rilke and it's just not working.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Profile Picture Selection

Know what the sad thing about job searching is, I can't post inappropriate profile pictures just in case some potential employer decides to stalk my social networking pages. For example, I would like to make this my profile picture:

But I look too drunk and a little too much like Satan. And then there's some crazy freak standing next to me as well. (She just came up and smiled, it was pretty weird).

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Thursday, April 17, 2008

but isn't it for everyone?

It's pretty clear that perpetual dissatisfaction is my biggest problem. I make life a lot harder by being indecisive and impatient at the same time.

Advice of the day "Don't do something rash" - my mom on my recent landslide of life-changing plans. Ha!


Just got back from Oahu. Love love love. Love the warm weather, the palm trees, the atmosphere. Love the dollar theatre and the strong drinks and all the fruit. Maybe I just got lucky because I was staying with some amazing people, but there is something about HI that makes me want to live there. Even its state abbreviation is friendly.

Who wants to be crazy, defer all their plans for a year or six months and move to an island with me? Serious inquiries only.

New goals:
-quit my job in the next three weeks, possibly work at a coffee stand for the summer/year.
-look into grad school deferment (aah!).
-clean the shit hole that has become my room.
-pay off my credit card in the next two paychecks... meaning I will eat top ramen for the next month at least.

Monday, March 31, 2008


This is the worst day ever, and who knows how long that feeling will last. When I feel upset, I have a hard time functioning. These last few days have been especially hard - I have no appetite, I can't sleep, my stomach is in knots. I feel the weight of this decision bearing down on me with no clear answer in sight. My head and my heart are telling me two very different things, and I'm trying to balance between protecting myself from further hurt and still being able to forgive. I feel as confused as I've ever been. How can someone say they love you and then be envisioning another relationship? How can that be real love? When something happens that changes everything you thought you knew, that challenges the security you felt, how do you move past it?

I don't know any of the answers to these questions, and I won't write anything else about this. I know that without the support of some very good friends I would be in a much worse place right now. The person I most want consoling from is the one person I can't face, and it has been so important to have friends who will just listen. So thanks to those of you who have been there.

"I start to forget how my heart gets torn, when that hurt gets thrown, feeling like you can't go on." - David Gray

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Friday, March 28, 2008

Okay you talked me into it

I am going to copy Nicole and write a profile about one of my very favorite people ever, and my oldest friend.

Name: Allison Leigh

Nicknames: Toothpick, Gum Head, Al, Bud, Young Legs

Age: Newly 21

Hometown: Bellingham

Occupation: Student, Receptionist, Weirdo

Education: Going for a B.S. and then a Master's in Speech Language Pathology (yeah she's a smarty)

Likes: All things organic, yoga, CMT, shoes, singing along to her Ipod at the gym, Jodi Picoult novels, crocheting, Fergie, leg warmers, her hair, making soup, dancing, plotting to kill Nicole Kidman.

Dislikes: Any food that I really like, working more than two consecutive eight hour days, being told what to do, loaning out clothes, lifetime movie network, feathered hair pieces, losing at Monopoly.

Best Quotes: "Allison: And then I had my one hypothesi and, wait hypothesi that's right, right? Cause it's just one.
Me: Um, no. Hypothesis is already singular.
Allison: Oh, okay, so then in my hypotheSIS I said there was one octopi that...
Me: Umm, okay, now octopi is plural..."

"My hair looks so good in this picture. Can you believe how good it looks?"

"Sad... Can we get a turtle?" - Upon hearing the news that our pet hamster died

Her Favorite Quotes: "When things get too heavy, just call me helium, the lightest known gas to man."~Jimi Hendrix


Fun facts: Allison once performed the most awkward gymnastics routine that my family and pull it out and watch it on home video whenever we need a good laugh.

Allison's fire safety plan used to include parachuting out the second story window with a bed sheet.

She used to want to be a nutritionist, until she realized speech pathologists made a lot more money.

When telling people what she spent on an item of clothing, Allison will always deduct $5 from the price she actually paid.

The fastest way to win in a fight against Allison is to poke her squarely in between the shoulder blades. This also causes her to assume a very amusing stance, much like that of a stroke victim trying to dance.

And that's my sister in a nutshell. She's also a really warm, compassionate, and a complete goof-ball.


My sister and I constantly get mistaken for each other. My new brown hair has not been as much of an identity booster as I expected, people still get us confused regardless. I am pretty sure she got the good hair and nose of the family; she's the cute one.
Even so, people just can't seem to keep us straight. We have been asked many times if we are identical twins. When we job-shared a year ago, I worked MWF, she worked TR. After three months of this schedule, the technologist asked our supervisor why some days I called myself Lindsay and some days I called myself Allison. Really? We are similar looking, but definitely different. This is her in the picture.
I think she looks kind of like an Olsen twin right here, where as I would never be mistaken for an Olsen.

Actually, I am tempted to copy cat Nicole and write a profile about Allison, but I will try to come up with something else creative instead of trying to steal her thunder...

(I need to start taking artsy modeling pictures and posting them on facebook, it's all the rage right now. Maybe then people would comment repeatedly on how gorgeous I am and my boyfriend would reassure me of my 10 out of 10 potential on Hot or Not.com like he does with his female friends. It would be a change from all the "demon eyes" comments I get.)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Boredom = Online Shopping I Cannot Afford

First, someone talk me out of buying this insanely cute swimsuit. I really can't afford to be spending $100 on a swim suit, but partly out of sheer boredom I have selected it, put it in the basket and almost paid for it three times now. Not good. Maybe if I have extra money from my computer rebate I will buy it.... I love it. Or someone could try to talk me out of it.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Bubble Wrap!

Back at work. I feel very tired now that I've had a few consecutive days of blissfully sleeping in and lounging. Grouch is tired too, I can tell. I got a sheet of bubble wrap - the kind with huge bubbles - in an envelope today. For the last twenty minutes or so everyone who is within earshot of my office has probably been wondering what is causing the ear-splitting gunshot sound. The ADT security guy caught me mid-pop and I could tell he was trying to stifle a laugh. I can't help it that I'm 23 and still enjoy bubble wrap! Honestly though, is there a person out there of any age who, given the chance, would pass on playing with bubble wrap? Maybe people who work in a bubble wrap factory are sick of it, but honestly I think they probably still enjoy it as well. The thing about it though: it's only fun if you are the one popping it. If you are just a listener, chances are that you are being highly irritated by the sound.

The manager of Maidenform just stopped in to check on me because she heard a loud noise. Time to stop with the bubble wrap.

On a more grown up topic, I had my interview this afternoon with the hospital. It went well, they were glad I was already HIPAA trained and proficient in Carecast (the hospital database) but they said the hours weren't flexible, and probably wouldn't work with school. So I'm back on the job trail. I have some serious concerns that my present boss might have found the cover letter I drafted for another job. I found it on "my recent documents" but I didn't do it recently... So am now tentatively waiting for him to approach me about it. There is the possibility I guess that I actually do so little work that a document I did a week and a half ago would still pop up on my "recent documents" and that is just sad. But let's just hope for the latter since we all already know my job is less than exciting.

This weekend I did some reading down at the Black Drop (yay!) I love that coffee shop, they know me there, they know my order, they make the best coffee. It's lovely. Anyway, I looked up to see a white-bearded man in checkered suit skipping down the sidewalk like little boy. He grabbed a light pole and swung himself around and clicked his heels. By this time he had the attention of the whole coffee house. He started singing, eyes closed arms outstretched, and then skipped off. I thought to myself, "Now here is a man who enjoys life. Or is high on drugs." Then he rounded the corner again followed by a whole troop of Bellingham's signature indie scenesters (including "black drop coffee house guy" aptly named because of his frequent coffee house patronage) I guess the skipper was part of a live marketing ploy to advertise a local theater group. I loved it! I was a little sad that he wasn't just a crazy old man in love with life, but theater group junkie is a close second and is a lot better than a drugged-out old hippie.

You can tell I have a soft spot for the small joys in life: bubble wrap and skipping old men.

Friday, March 21, 2008

More than Country Naming Quizzes

I learned a few things about myself by taking these helpful quizzes today. Here are the results:



(I bet you didn't know Uisce is the Gaelic word for Whiskey or, literally, Water of Life)




who knows

I'm back at work on today, just in time for the weekend! That is the best way to go back to work, let me tell you. Plus, I have the office to myself all morning which gives me plenty of time to catch up on all the blogs I've missed over the last week, play my moves in scrabulous, and review the newly posted pictures from book club!

It has come to my attention that I always make this face at least once in every set of pictures, here's some proof over the years:

Brunette Lindsay does it
Blonde Lindsay does it
Sometimes I do it AT other people

If you are wondering what possesses me to try and replicate this signature KISS look, I will just say that it is because I look so obviously attractive with angry eyes and barred teeth.

I have an interview for a new job Monday. No guarantees I'd get it, but I am pretty excited just the same.

The boy and I danced around under the streetlight in the snow last night. It was great fun. In my life, I don't know that I could ever come across another person who is as young at heart as the boy. His reaction to the snow was pretty much like that of a kid celebrating a snow day - except much louder and his bouncing off the walls trying to find a jacket is a lot more hazardous than a 7 year old's. I really love that.

Okay. I have to watch for a fax to come in and make a bagel. So maybe when boredom strikes later you will hear from me again. Twice in one day! How lucky are you?!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Flu, WWU

I have the flu. I should have gotten a flu shot this year but I procrastinated and it is too late. I am kind of a baby about being sick. On my way home from work yesterday I started to tear up and drove to my parents house to eat soup and watch cable. My dad got home and made me a grilled cheese and my mom got me some meds. I love being at home when I am sick. I get taken good care of. The flu is no fun, but I didn't have to go to work today, so although I have a fever and some achy joints and muscles, I also get to eat Jell-O (my mom gave me), nap and watch Pride & Prejudice - the six hour version. So being sick is not all bad. I like the resting and the not being at work parts.

WWU finally got back to me! I'm in! This is a huge relief as it means that I will be in school again this fall, most likely at Western. Now I feel like I can begin to make plans: look for a part-time job, think about housing for next year, etc. I applied for a marketing specialist position with the hospital, it is 25-28 hours per week and pays a LOT better than my current job. In fact, I think I would probably not lose anything in pay were I to get this job, even though it is less hours. Here's hoping. At least 1/2 of my problems are now solved, and that is Great!

I tried to think of a good acronym to start off this post with, but I settled for a commonly known one that rhymed with my sickness, how's that?

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I have been sitting at my desk with nothing to do since 9 a.m. - I didn't even get any mail to open today. The guy who drops off our newspaper laughed at me and said "whoa hang in there, here's something to read" because I am so obviously bored. I hope to God that I hear back from one of the jobs I applied to by the end of the week, because right now I seriously feel like I am about to snap. And what the HELL is Western doing with my application? Last Wednesday they said I'd hear by the beginning of this week "at the latest" - well freaking admit me or deny me, just tell me already!!! I'm very sorry to everyone who always has to read my bitching about my boring freaking job and my unbelievably dragged out Western application, but if I could just figure these two things out, everything in my life would be Great with a capital G.

Earlier today I looked up my company's resignation policy. I can't wait to write that letter.

Harvard Law Offers Special Tuition Break

This is awesome, I wish more schools would give incentives for public service like this

Friday, March 14, 2008

I Believe

I watched a dramatic episode of Grey's last night (aren't they all) and was inspired by a speech that Izzie gives about what she believes in. Since I am bored and newly thoughtful, I decided to create my own "I believe" list. You can link to Izzie's monologue on YouTube here

  • I believe things will turn out as they're meant to.
  • I believe old people aren't grouchy, just misunderstood
  • I believe sushi contains my daily serving of vegetables
  • I believe the purpose of fashion magazines is to make people feel dissatisfied
  • I believe that everyone should have access to health care
  • I believe that raffles are one of the worst panic inducers
  • I believe that if someone is getting on my nerves, I am probably getting on theirs
  • I believe it is okay to quit something, as long as you really did try
  • I believe music is always better live
  • I believe in cheating on the crossword puzzle after I get completely stuck
  • I believe the best way to have a friend is to be one
  • I believe in carelessness, as long as it is at your own cost
  • I believe in spending myself down to the dime to travel
  • I believe it is important to respect all opinions and beliefs
  • I believe that stacking my 5 lb. hand weights in front of my door will prevent an intruder
  • I believe the first amendment is an absolute
  • I believe women should not have to be afraid to walk alone at night
  • I believe that if you buy a tray of brownies, you might as well eat them all in one sitting, because eventually you're going to eat them all anyway
  • I believe anyone who finished high school should be able to appropriately use: your, you're, to, two, and too
  • I believe that you don't need to know a lot about sports to enjoy them
  • I believe that sleeping out under the stars (sans tent) is really underrated
  • I believe a fish can keep you company
  • I believe people need to feel purpose in their jobs
  • I believe you can often learn more about a person through their writing than you can through conversation

I'm sure I have many more, but I believe I am supposed to try and find something to do for work now. If want to help ease my boredom, you'll post your own list of believe statements, I'm sure I'll get some comedic relief from a few of you.

To all the college educated readers:

I was going to try to write something a little more thoughtful today than I did yesterday. Then I realized that on my last few thoughtful posts I have hardly gotten any comments, while on my "Muffin Top" post, I got 4 overnight. It has become apparent to me that my readers have some low-brow sense of amusement which I can only attempt to appeal to by making my posts more scatological. Here is my offering to the masses:


Bathroom Humor at its finest:

Ghost Poopie
The kind where you feel the poopie come out, but there is no poopie in the toilet.
Clean Poopie
The kind where you poopie it out, see it in the toilet, but there is nothing on the toilet paper.
Wet Poopie
The kind where you wipe your butt 50 times and it still feels unwiped, so you have to put some toilet paper between your butt and underwear so you won't ruin them with a stain.
Second Wave Poopie
This happens when you're done Poopie-ing and you've pulled up your pants to your knees, and you realize that you have to Poopie some more.
The kind where you strain so much to get it out, you practically have a stroke.
Gassy Poopie
It's so noisy, everyone within earshot is laughing.
Drinker Poopie
The kind of Poopie you have the morning after a long night of drinking. Its most noticeable trait is the skid marks on the bottom of the toilet.
Lincoln Log Poopie
The kind of Poopie that is so huge you're afraid to flush without first breaking it into little pieces with the toilet brush.
Corn Poopie
Gee-I-Wish-I-Could-Poopie Poopie
The kind where you want to Poopie but all you do is sit on the toilet and fart a few times.
Spinal Tap Poopie
That's where it hurts so badly coming out, you would swear it was leaving you sideways.
Wet Cheeks Poopie (The Power Dump)
The kind that comes out of your butt so fast, your butt gets splashed with water.
Liquid Poopie
The kind where yellowish-brown liquid shoots out your butt and splashes all over the toilet bowl.
Mexican Poopie
It smells so bad your nose burns.
The Surprise Poopie
You're not even at the toilet because you are sure you're about to fart, but oops.......a Poopie!!!
The Dangling Poopie
This Poopie refuses to drop into the toilet even though you know you are done Poopie-ing it. You just pray that a shake or two will cut it loose.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Google Image Fun

Here's what you get when you google "Muffin Top"

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Yesterday I wrote to WWU's MBA program to check on the status of my application. I got a note back today saying thank goodness I wrote in, because they now realize they lost it. So while that is a minor inconvenience, I feel a lot better now about the long wait time I've had...

MoDo and Political Scandal

I am full of weird dreams lately. I have taken to writing them down in a journal I keep next to my bed, that is, unless I am too tired to motivate myself to write at 3 a.m. Last night I had three dreams. They were pretty vivid, I can remember them all clearly today. One was that the Director of WWU's MBA program told me I wasn't getting in, but that if I work in Burlington for one more year, maybe they will take me next year (okay so this dream was more like a nightmare). The second dream was a bunch of people trying to tell me that the most satisfying relationships are non-physical, I disagreed and got called a hussy, which is ironic because I don't get that much action (I think this came from a story I heard about a blow job last night). The third was a dream that I was waiting in line at a coffee stand, but when I got to the window they had just run out of coffee... weird. I took it as a sign that I needed coffee this morning, which is exactly what I got :)

Good thing I don't really like the coffee/service at the Hound Dog Coffee stand at the bottom of the hill or I would probably go every day. Today I had to make due with Starbucks. Okay although Starbucks does not have the best coffee, I have to say, Starbucks has the best service by far. I always have a good experience when I go there. They are always peppy and friendly and they never rush you. This morning they gave me a bagel with free cream cheese. I love free. To save this morning I even ordered drip coffee (yes Calvin, drip) but with lots of cream and sugar. Bagel + Drip + Free Cream Cheese = $2.95. Good Service = Priceless.

On a side note, as I was reading the paper today I came across an article by my new fav. columnist Maureen Dowd. I love this line from Dowd's column in reference to ex-Governor Spitzer's wife, Silda, and on the duties of politicians' wives in general:

"In modern times, you rarely see any men having to stand ashenly by their women."

So true MoDo, so true. I have read a few other op-ed pieces commenting on the "wifely duties in politcal scandal" phenomenon. Just like Hillary in the wake of Monica, Suzanne Craig after her husband was caught soliciting gay sex in an airport bathroom, and Dina McGreevey after her husband Governor McGreevey of New Jersey resigned upon announcing he was gay and had carried on several extra-marital affairs. It seems strange that the American public expects these wronged spouses to make public appearances which display their solidarity as a family, when in reality, that is far from the truth.

While I agree that couples need to honor their marriage vows and try to make things work, I think that there is also a line. These politicians clearly did not honor their vows, so expecting their wives to make ridiculous gestures of devotion to them at this junction seems terribly unfair. Some might say that the show of support for the wife stands to serve as an example of family values. I say, when you are a political figure who has a wife and three daughters and you are caught soliciting sex in a prostitution ring, it's too little too late for family values. Why is it then the wife's responsibility to be the example?

Call me cruel, but cheating is one thing that should not, in my opinion, be tolerated. Perhaps these couples will try to work things out privately, but in the meantime why the fake show of support? It seems that having the wife stand passively by is a almost a method of condoning what has happened, it's the old 'silence is acceptance' adage. It sucks.

As the Times columnist Foderaro put it, “I think [Spitzer] did enough harm to his wife and children that he didn’t need to take her out there with him. If he was man enough to order a woman as if he were ordering a sandwich off a deli menu, he should have been man enough to go out there and take it on his own.”

Amen Foderaro.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I'm in love with this dog:


I am really going to try and get a dog next year. Unless I live in Seattle, where I'll probably only be able to afford a shoebox.

Monday, March 10, 2008


SYP group this morning was useful as usual: we started off talking about video games, moved on to discussing tea fermentation, and then I listened while the other "SYP"s debated the safety of obstetrical ultrasounds and the irresponsibility of women who choose to use an epidural during labor. If you know me at all, you know that during this last conversation I was really having to bite my tongue. Let's face it, the alternative to having an ultrasound done is possibly that the fetus is in danger and no one finds out about it until it's too late. That's why DSHS (through the state) gives pregnant women FREE pre-natal care including regular OB Ultrasound checks; it's that important. Ultrasound is by far the safest form of digital radiology, and no side effects resulting from ultrasonic sound waves have ever been found. I didn't want to even mention that, were it an option, I might want to be knocked unconscious during labor... Screw natural child birth, give me drugs and OB's any day.

This was a great weekend, and I actually really enjoy my Mondays. Perhaps I have mentioned this in previous blogs, but I get to have the office completely to myself on Mondays. This means that when I am bored, I am totally free to read at my desk, wander through the building, or do jumping jacks in my office. I can also job search without being worried that my boss will see...

I am still anxiously awaiting word from Western. I feel pretty certain at this point (80%) that if I don't get into Western this year, I will have to move to Seattle this fall, if not for grad school, than for a year of work where I am actually learning something. My efforts at job searching locally have been pretty fruitless. The job market is not good right now, especially in Bellingham. There are many many things I would miss if I move to Seattle, but at this point in my life, it seems like I am kind of wasting my opportunities if I keep accepting secretarial jobs just so that I can live in Bellingham. I would rather be in Bellingham, but a year of working in Seattle wouldn't kill me I guess. I need to get some good work experience. The boy and I will make long distance work somehow, as he is determined to stay in Bellingham for one more year no matter what. It has been hard for me to get to this point, really really hard, but I am prepared to make a change in my living situation and lifestyle if necessary. Hopefully Walden and my other Seattle friends will still keep me company ;) Hopefully Western will take me and I won't have to make that decision.

It is difficult to make plans for next year without knowing where I will be living. I am certain that I will be moving houses in August no matter what. I can tell that I am becoming a cleaner person. I used to be cluttered and messy to a huge extent. Sars and I used to throw away dishes because mold grew on them. Now things are different. When I come home from a long day of work I want to have clean dishes to make dinner. I want to be able to sit in the living room without having to clear off a spot on the couch. I don't think I am a cleaning nazi, but it has definitely gotten to be a bit of an issue for me and for the roommates. I understand that they don't have the same newfound cleanliness desire that I have. It is difficult though because they get irritated with me for trying to tidy up because "it's their mess." While I appreciate this sentiment, it doesn't really help me. I don't want to have to wait around until the mood strikes one of them to clean up "their mess," and I don't think I should have to. Consequently, I will take the initiative to clean it myself. This usually happens when the house has been ridiculously messy for several days. I rarely spend time downstairs in the living room anymore because it becomes so cluttered and gross. This is a shame as I VERY much enjoy the company of my roommates and think they are wonderful, fun friends.

Fatima told me she is now a clean person living alone, and I think I might enjoy that as well. If I do end up in the ham next year, I might give it a try! I will miss my bedroom in the Bee Hive, it is my favorite one I've ever had. I would also miss long talks and board games with the roommates. Someone once told me it is important to try living alone at least once in your life. I think if there ever were a time for that, this would be it. Of course I would get a pet...