Monday, August 18, 2008

Fall is Coming! Fall is Coming! Fall is Coming!

It starting to get to that point where you can feel it in the air. I love fall for many reasons: the smell of the air, the crisp breeze, warm sweaters, cozy fireplaces, and best of all; new beginnings. The onset of fall is even more a "fresh-slate feeling" than the new year. Maybe we are conditioned to think that way because that's when each new school year began, but even now that I'm out of school, it still feels that way. I also know I am a true Pacific Northwesterner at heart because all the rain makes me feel good, fresh and secure, I find myself looking forward to those drizzly days. Yay fall in Bellingham, I heart you. I hope I get to experience you before I go.

1 comment:

D.I. Zzo said...

Bellingham fall is my favorite season. Too bad we'll miss it this year. Guess we'll have to settle for 85-and-sunny on a tropical beach this autumn...