"Have patience with everything that remains unsolved in your heart. Try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books written in a foreign language. Do not now look for the answers. They cannot now be given to you because you could not live them. It is a question of experiencing everything. At present you need to live the question. Perhaps you will gradually, without even noticing it, find yourself experiencing the answer, some distant day." Ranier Maria Rilke
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Also, I am online shopping as an attempt to satiate my boredom, and it's bad because I don't have any money. In the last week I have bought: two layering camis from wetseal.com; the new Dave Barnes cd, and the movie Juno. Total: $35.00
At least it wasn't more shoes.
Monday, April 28, 2008
On the Move
Friday, April 25, 2008
Oh My God, It Could Really Happen
Hi Lindsay,
It is no problem for you to defer your admission till 2009 if you feel like you have a great opportunity. The process if for you to contact Dr. ---- via email and let him know what you wish to do and ask for his concurrence. Make it clear to them that you don’t want to withdraw your application but just defer it to 2009. Good luck and let me know if you need further assistance.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
I still haven't heard back from my MBA Adviser. I am a really impatient person and am resisting the urge to shoot off another email... I guess it has only been four days. I really need to know if deferment is even an option. On that note, I have continued to attempt to recruit people who wish to live in island paradise for about 9 months. Interested parties, let me know :)
This is short, and not witty at all, but I have to finish writing my f-ing phone tree for work, so I must go. More later.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Have I Mentioned that I Love Maureen Dowd?
Best Pull Text:
"In the final days in Pennsylvania, [Obama] dutifully logged time at diners and force-fed himself waffles, pancakes, sausage and a Philly cheese steak. He split the pancakes with Michelle, left some of the waffle and sausage behind, and gave away the French fries that came with the cheese steak.
But this is clearly a man who can’t wait to get back to his organic scrambled egg whites. That was made plain with his cri de coeur at the Glider Diner in Scranton when a reporter asked him about Jimmy Carter and Hamas.
“Why” he pleaded, sounding a bit, dare we say, bitter, “can’t I just eat my waffle?”
His subtext was obvious: Why can’t I just be president? Why do I have to keep eating these gooey waffles and answering these gotcha questions and debating this gonzo woman?"
And on the Clinton campaign bullying:
"The very fact that he can’t shake her off has become her best argument against him. “Why can’t he close the deal?” Hillary taunted at a polling place on Tuesday.
She’s been running ads about it, suggesting he doesn’t have “what it takes” to run the country. Her message is unapologetically emasculating: If he does not have the gumption to put me in my place, when superdelegates are deserting me, money is drying up, he’s outspending me 2-to-1 on TV ads, my husband’s going crackers and party leaders are sick of me, how can he be trusted to totally obliterate Iran and stop Osama?"
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Okay that was a weak moment
Last night I went to Rilo Kiley, which was seriously awesome, we stood one row from the stage and sang along to all my favorites like: It's a Hit, Portions for Foxes, and Silver Lining. I also discovered a new song I like:
Then I found out that Mason Jennings is coming to Seattle and I have been waiting to see him in concert for as long as I've loved his music (or about four years). People who blow harp in their music get bonus points in my book. If I could learn to play any instrument, it might be that one.
I am still waiting to hear back from my MBA adviser on the deferment process (if they even have one), and I feel productive about checking into it.
If you want a big smile today you will check this out. You will enjoy it all the more if you've ever done customer service (who hasn't).
I hate jobs and leases and admissions.
I'm really trying here Rilke and it's just not working.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Profile Picture Selection
But I look too drunk and a little too much like Satan. And then there's some crazy freak standing next to me as well. (She just came up and smiled, it was pretty weird).
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
but isn't it for everyone?
Advice of the day "Don't do something rash" - my mom on my recent landslide of life-changing plans. Ha!
Who wants to be crazy, defer all their plans for a year or six months and move to an island with me? Serious inquiries only.
New goals:
-quit my job in the next three weeks, possibly work at a coffee stand for the summer/year.
-look into grad school deferment (aah!).
-clean the shit hole that has become my room.
-pay off my credit card in the next two paychecks... meaning I will eat top ramen for the next month at least.