Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Spring really does make a person feel like cleaning. I have cleaned out the files in my office (mostly to avoid more work on the phone tree) and my bedroom at home. I kept finding pairs of shoes, so I decided to round them all up and I counted about 35 pairs including my flip flops. That number seemed a little excessive by itself, then I realized that I didn't even bring all my shoes from my parents house... hmmm. I love them all too much to give away. Like my earring preference (large and circular) I seem to also have a shoe preference. I have about five pairs of open toed wedges in varying heel size and color and approximately six pairs of differently styled black flats.

Also, I am online shopping as an attempt to satiate my boredom, and it's bad because I don't have any money. In the last week I have bought: two layering camis from wetseal.com; the new Dave Barnes cd, and the movie Juno. Total: $35.00

At least it wasn't more shoes.

1 comment:

D.I. Zzo said...

Dear Lindsay,

40+ pairs of shoes isn't excessive.

-News coverage of Britney Spears