Here is a synopsis of my night: early on, got emotional over the thought of the boy going to school in a different town, snapped at him and cut him off. Then went to the nightlight, got lost in the crowd at the last 80's night ever, couldn't find my ride but decided to leave because I was being followed by two creepers around the dance floor. This is where I decide I am too stubborn to now call the boy or anyone else for help. I proceed to walk in the direction of home in the frost with no jacket. Then I start to cry: it's dark, I'm scared and cold. I realize my car is at Kristen's house farther up Lakeway. I call my sister, wake her up, make her worry, and then come pick me up from the side of the road. I only had two drinks all night, and I am wishing I could blame my craziness on alcohol rather than on myself. But I shoulder it.
Please leave me comments about your nights if irrational dysfunction so that I can feel like I am not the only "crazy girl".
Last night, I was sleepy when B called, so he thought something was wrong. "No, really! I am just falling asleep!" But then after we got off the phone, I figured he must have thought something was wrong because he DID something wrong, and I fell asleep sooooo pissed.
Craziness, like werewolves and drunk drivers and vampires, comes out at night.
One night, 3 or 4 years ago, I lived in Highland Hall. I was visiting Erin at her house on Garden. I took a nap and woke up and everyone was gone. It was dark outside, but I went to see if their cars were still there. The door locked behind me, and it was foggy out. I ran around to all the doors and windows. I decided to walk to my dorm room but couldn't see 15 feet in front of me, and I was freaked out. I called Erin, no answer. I started crying and I called my mom. She freaked out at me for being alone at night. I called Kristen Lippold who was out of town, and I began freaking out at every noise, telling her I was sure to be raped! I was quite delusional with visions of big men coming out through the fog to get me. Kristen called her ex, who said he would walk down to come find me. She had also called Kristin K who had a car, and so she came to find me. When Kristin picked me up I was crying and shaking. I got back to the dorm just when Dave was going out to look for me. I hung out in his room for 10 minutes, fuming at Erin for leaving me behind with no note or call. I was still pissed at her when she called and said, "Where'd you go? We were just at the store getting alcohol, we were coming right back. Do you want me to come get you?" So, after all that drama, and hysterics, and being pissed at her, I said, "Yeah, come get me." And we drank. Oh, silly girls.
A few years ago I went down to Boulevard park alone at night to think about things. I took some pepper spray just in case. As I was down there I kind of got freaked out so I was holding the spray in my hands. I started crying and tried to wipe the tears out of my eyes, but what I didn't realize was some of the pepper spray had leaked onto my fingers and I wiped it into my eyes. So then I was really freaking out, but there was nothing I could do, I just had to sit there and cry until my eyes were clear enough to drive home.
By the way this is Kris Rafferty....
well I know you can remember one my ridiculous nights. You were my rescuer that night.
I was angry and upset at my-ex, at my general situation in life when I decided to walk downtown to drink my problems away. Like a true alcoholic, I sat alone at the bar drinking whiskey after whiskey, until I was beyond trashed. Somehow I was able to remember Anna was working that night, so I left the bar, and wandered down to Railroad Ave. I decided to sit on the curb next to her car until she was off work and could take me home. It wasn't long before some homeless drug addict wandered over to find out why I was crying. I was freaked out to begin with, and the situation really started to sink in when they are offering my dirty needles, white powders, and who knows what else. I tried to communicate that I wan't interested, but this guy didn't understand. He just sat down next to me and shot up. I was so scared that something was going to happen when his buddies came over to see what was going on. I was really starting to panic. I finally decided to call for help. You came as fast as you could, and I have never forgotten.
Girls may get crazy from time to time, but we are also there to rescue each other when we are needed by our crazy girlfriends.
Hi Kris!! Hi Jess!! Thanks all for sharing your stories - it made me feel better about being a crazy girl... Here's to hoping that girl freak outs get less nuts in the future...
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