Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Two years ago some guy invented "Rape-X" a condom (or diaphragm) that a woman can wear if she is worried about being raped. It has barbed hooks that will rip or shred the penis of a rapist, effectively impairing him and giving the victim time to escape. The idea for this product came in part from an old myth called "vagina dentata" which is Latin for "toothed vagina." In old days this was a cautionary tale to prevent men from raping women or having sex with strangers. Interesting.


KJW said...

Well. That freaks me the f out.

Ben Mullen said...
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D.I. Zzo said...

This is a great idea in theory. But I'd hate to be the guy whose pissed off wife or girlfriend decides to hit him where it hurts the most. Ouch.

Unknown said...

Yowza! Rapists, your penis deserves to be shredded. But, I agree with Jacson - there are some CRAZY pissed off women in this world, friends of Lorena Bobbit. The vagina teeth movie is definitely one we should not ever watch. Also, I woke up a few times, imagining Michael Myers' face outside my window. Bleck.

Unknown said...

By the way, this has been Courtney, apparently using Ren's blog. Whoops!

D.I. Zzo said...

Ren/Courtney... I did the same thing earlier with Ben's computer.

Anonymous said...
