Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Shopping and stuff

My poll is showing that people prefer blonde hair (for me anyway) and although I do like being a brunette, I miss my yellow hair. When I dye it back, probably in late April or May, I will go a dark blonde though so it won't look so fade-y and gross after a few weeks.

I am at work. I have been here for about 30 minutes and - surprise! - I have nothing to do as far as I know, for the rest of the day. Blog away friends, I will be reading and commenting. Please entertain me.

Last week I was doing research on my own about teen spending power, since I think teens are an important marketing group. They have no bills or other responsibilities so they have a large disposable income, shopping time is hangout time, and they are the wealthiest generation of teens in years.

(Please note that I do have some qualms about marketing a shopping center to teenagers -- I hate to have anything to do with promoting a feeling of dissatisfaction that can only be cured by shopping. While I don't think that the shopping mall is the producing this dissatisfaction, it is certainly used by people as a cure for a problem that is perpetuated by the media. But until the media stops setting down unrealistic expectations for beauty and superficial cures for unhappiness, people will always find somewhere to shop. So here we are in Burlington.)

Anyway, according to the articles I found on teen spending power, apparently the average teen gets an allowance of $10/day or about $280-$300 per month. Teens spend $170 Billion each year shopping and influence another $400 billion of their parents money. Holy cow.

Shopping has always been a popular past time for teens, I think because they get some freedom from their parents and they get new clothes, etc. I enjoy shopping from time to time, but I don't have the same huge disposable income that teens have. I was pretty blown away by the numbers.


Anonymous said...

Oh the days of disposable income. It is interesting the perceptions we have about money the older we get. Last year, playing a game with the fam, we had to write down the thing we are most jealous of - of someone sitting at the table. Benjamin wrote, "Hannah's bank account." He didn't write my dad's account, which had a few thousand dollars, he wrote Hannah's, and she had about 11 dollars. But to Benjamin at the time, that was SOO much money. When Elizabeth was in her prime teen years, she constantly asked for money. I tried to tell her to stop, for mom and dad don't have the dispensible income she seemed to think. It didn't phase her. Now, living on her own, she has commented and apologized for having no perception - but what difference did she know?
Money money money, MONEY (as in the song).

And also, if ever you wish to market to me, you could put in a Juicy Cotour. Do you know if you are getting one yet?

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, CoUtUrE. Obviously it means so very much to me and my high fashioned sense of style.